Ways to Store Items in your Caravan


Travelling in a caravan means reducing your livable space. Here are some innovative ways to store your items and make the best use of your space.

  1. Use storage bins to store clothes, linen and towels you don’t need immediately. Place cushions on top and use as extra seating.
  2. Put food in sealable plastic bags instead of bulky containers. Containers take up more space in the fridge. If you have a freezer, press down on the bags you want to freeze to flatten them out. They’ll take up less space this way.
  3. Use wall nets to store shoes, small toys or socks and underwear. They are inexpensive, easy to install and remove. Attach them to walls and behind doors. You can also peg storage nets on the inside of your cupboards.
  4. Add storage racks underneath the sink in your kitchenette. Great for storing plates, cutleries, pots and pans.
  5. Use storage bags for electrical wires, chargers or other small gadgets and store under the beds.
  6. To keep bathrooms areas tidy keep your bathroom items in small baskets or containers. Keep under the bed or inside a cupboard. Pull out only when you need to use.
  7. Vacuum sealed bags are amazing space savers! Pop in bulky items like sleeping bags, and when you need them, just take them out. Simply suck out the air with a vacuum cleaner before you begin your trip.
  8. Bags on hooks are another simple storage solution that keep things tidy and accessible. From handbags to beach bags, backpacks and grocery bags, hooks will keep items off the ground and out from under people’s feet.

Now that you know how to keep your caravan neat and tidy you’re ready to book that next trip. 🙂

Book your stay today at Karumba Point Sunset Caravan Park!

☎️ (07) 4745 9277
📧 sunsetcp@gmail.com


Morning Glory

Morning Glory – a rare meteorological event most Australians don’t know exists.

What is the Morning Glory?

The Morning Glory is the most incredible thing you can see in the sky. And it happens right here in the Gulf of Carpentaria. 

A rare meteorological event, it occurs at dawn between September and November when the conditions are right.

A spectacular sight in the sky.

The Morning Glory is an unexplainable cloud formation that moves across the sky at speeds of up to 40km per hour in a north-easterly direction.

It looks like a massive spinning roll of cotton wool that stretches from one horizon to the other.   

Also known as kangólgi.

The local Garawa Aboriginal people refer to the cloud formation as kangólgi. 

They believe the presence of the Morning Glory is a sign of a flourishing bird population in the area.

What causes this incredible phenomenon?

The Morning Glory is believed to occur when a humid easterly front from the Coral Sea and a warm westerly front from the Gulf collide.

However, despite significant advances in meteorology and technology, the Morning Glory remains a natural event that defies understanding or explanation. 

Best place to view

The best spot to observe the Morning Glory is from a remote, isolated outback town and coastal locality in the Shire of Burke called Burketown. Approximately 142km southwest of Karumba. 

Or you can take a ride in a glider plane and surf the clouds from the sky.

Only in the Gulf

While similar phenomena appear in other parts of the world like Germany, Eastern Russia, Brazil, and Canada, the Morning Glory cloud is seen only in Northern Australia.

Photo Credit: dropbears

Discover the Barra!

THINGS TO DO IN KARUMBA – The Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre.

Discover the amazing secrets of the mighty barramundi at The Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre, the only hatchery in the world to breed the Southern Gulf strain of this iconic fish!

From humble beginnings with second hand, donated equipment the Centre was started by a group of professional fishermen who set out to restock the local waterways with fingerlings to ensure a sustainable fishing future for years to come. They became known as the Barramundi Restocking Association.

  • Enjoy lunch or a coffee at the Wild Fish Cafe that overlooks the lagoon.
  • Watch a short film about the community of Karumba and its local fishing industry.
  • Discover the wetlands and mangroves and learn about the local birdlife and stunning southern Gulf Flora.
  • Learn about the process of restocking the waterways with fingerlings.

To learn more visit barracentre.com.au. Or ask our friendly managers Craig and Hayley for more information when you check in.

Source and Photo: Barramundi Discover Centre

Facts about Barramundi

There are some surprising facts about Barramundi Fish. How many of these do you know?

Here’s our running list of 12 fun facts about this remarkable fish. Which fact is your favourite?

Fact 1 Barramundi’s native waters span from Northern Australia up to Southeast Asia and all the way west to the coastal waters of India and Sri Lanka.

Fact 2 Barramundi is known by many around the world as Asian Seabass, although its Scientific common name is Barramundi Perch. Some of the other names include Giant Perch, Palmer, Cockup, Bekti, Nairfish, Silver Barramundi, and Australian Seabass.

Fact 3 The name Barramundi is Aboriginal for “large-scaled silverfish.”

Fact 4 Virtually all barramundi are born male, then turn into females when they are three to four years old. This means female barramundi can only be courted by younger males!

Fact 5 Barramundi live in freshwater, saltwater, and estuaries (where fresh and saltwater meet).

Fact 6 Barramundi are catadromous fish, meaning that they are born in the ocean and live in freshwater — basically the opposite lifestyle of the salmon. However, they also are able to live purely in saltwater.

Fact 7 A Barramundi’s age is determined by counting growth rings on their scales (much like counting growth rings on a tree).

Fact 8 Large female Barramundi can produce upwards of 32 million eggs in a season.

Fact 9 Barramundi have been recorded to be over 4 feet long. And weighing over 90 lbs!

Fact 10 Barramundi can travel great distances in a lifetime.  One fish was tagged and found 400 miles away.

Fact 11 Juvenile Barramundi have a distinguishing characteristic.  The presence of a white dorsal head stripe when they’re between one and five centimeters long.

Fact 12 Barramundi spawn on the full moon.  Their iridescent skin can be seen shimmering through the water during their ‘love dance’.

Photo Credit:  howtocatchanyfish.com